International Lecture
Aula 10P - Edificio Pentagono
Venerdì 30 novembre, in aula 10 Pentagono alle ore 14.00, si terrà un seminario dal titolo “Sources and transmission routes of zoonotic foodborne pathogens”, tenuto dal Dr. Lapo Mughini-Gras del Center for Infectious Disease Control, Dutch National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM) & Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Utrecht University, The Netherlands.
Animals, foods and the environment act as sources of several infectious agents, including antimicrobial resistance, for human beings. These agents may enter the transmission chain in different ways, with their impact on the human population being dependent on a variety of pathogen-, host/vehicle- and environment-related factors. To quantify the relative contributions of different animal, food and environmental sources to the human disease burden caused by zoonotic pathogens and antimicrobial resistance, several source attribution methods have been developed in recent years, and they are now integrated in the routine risk-based surveillance and monitoring activities of several North European countries. These methods offer the opportunity to identify the main sources of human infections as to inform targeted public health interventions, as well as to assess the impact of such interventions. This seminar aims to provide a broad overview of different source attribution methods; practical examples will also be given throughout the presentation, with particular reference to how we can quantify the sources of some of the main foodborne pathogens using microbial subtyping and epidemiological methods, and how we can combine these two methods to reconstruct the whole transmission chain as to follow a microbe’s journey “from farm to fork"