Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare
Thank you for visiting Padua University Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare
The mission of Padua University Laboratory for Ethics for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare is to promote a deeper understanding and awareness related to the ethical management and treatment of non-human animals in any field, from farming and agriculture to scientific experimentation, from companionship and assisted intervention to biodiversity conservation.
In particular we explore ethical relevant issues concerning: Veterinary Medicine research and practice, In-situ and ex-situ biodiversity conservation research and management, Applied ethology and animal welfare research, management, and regulations, Conservation ethics, human-wildlife concflicts and coexistence.
The Laboratory collaborates with the following institutions: Colorado State University (U.S.A.), National Zoological Gardens (South Africa), Istituto Italiano di Bioetica (Italy), Parco Natura Viva (Italy), Aquario di Genova (Italy), IZW Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (Germany), IZSLER Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna "Bruno Ubertini" (Italy), IZSVE Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale delle Venezie (Italy), UKZN University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa), Goethe University, Frankfurt (Germany), Zoom Torino (Italy), Giardino Zoologico di Pistoia (Italy), Conservation Guardians (South Africa), WWF Lecco (Italy), SZN Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohrn (Italy), Federparchi (Italy).
The staff of the Laboratory include the Director (Barbara de Mori), the Scientific Advisor (Simona Normando), and Associates both from Padua University and from other institutions.
Scientific board
- Barbara de Mori
- Dietelmo Pievani
- Pierfrancesco Biasetti - Moral philosopher, Assistant Research in Conservation Ethics (Leibniz Institute)
- Greg Vogt - Conservationist, specialist in elephant's welfare
- Bernard Rollin - in memory of
- Francesco Andreucci, veterinarian, expert in risk assessment
- Massimo Facchinetti, lawyer, expert in biotechnologies and patents
- Daniela Florio, veterinarian, specialist in aquariology
- Ilaria Pollastri, degree in Evolution of Animal and Human Behaviour, PhD scholar in Conservation Ethics
- Maria Michela Spiriti, biologist, expert in molecular biology, PhD scholar in Conservation Ethics
- Elena Mercugliano, degree in Biodiversity and Biological Evolution, PhD scholar in Conservatio Ethics
- Giulia Ghinassi, Social Media Menager/Content creator
- Adriana Cerizza, Integrated wildlife conservation course's tutor and Field Research Assistant
Research and Projects
Main Research Lines
Critical Reasoning and Decision-Making Process in ethics:
Decision-making processes and ethical reasoning tools; Ethical Review Process in Conservation and Animal Welfare.
Animal Welfare Ethics:
This research line is held under the International Cooperation Agreement between the BCA Department and Colorado State University – USA.
Conservation and Wildlife Ethics and Education:
The research deals with general fundamentals of the approach that characterizes Conservation Ethics and its specific application within the International Collaborations between the BCA Department and:
- the National Zoological Gardens and Conservation Guardians - South Africa - on the development of a Welfare Index for captive elephants in tourist Interactions.
- the Leibniz Institute – Germany - on the recovery of the Northern White Rhino
- The Goethe University – Germany - on the Conservation Education;
Veterinary Medical Ethics:
The relevance of ethical tools traditionally available in human medicine to the field of veterinary medicine is being investigated. The research on Veterinary Medical Ethics is part of the International Cooperation Agreement between the BCA Department and Colorado State University - USA
Recent Projects:
“Realizzazione di un toolkit per la valutazione del benessere degli animali custoditi nei giardini zoologici” Scientific Coordinator: Sara Rota Nodari (IZSLER Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dell'Emilia Romagna "Bruno Ubertini", Italy). Project founded by Italian Ministry of Health. Other partners: Centro di Referenza Nazionale per il Benessere Animale (Italy); IZSUM Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale dell'Umbria e delle Marche (Italy); and IZSPLV Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle d'Aosta (Italy).
“BioRescue Project” for the conservation of the Northern White Rhinoceros. Consortium Coordinator: Leibniz Institute for Zoo and Wildlife Research (German). Project partners: Max Delbrück Center for Molecular Medicine MCD (Germany); AVANTEA, Laboratory of Reproductive Technologies (Italy); Zoo Dvur Kralove (Check Republic); Kyushu University, Faculty of Medical Sciences (Japan).
“Animal-Visitor Interaction Protocol AVIP” Scientific Coordinator: Barbara de Mori (Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare). Project partners: Zoom Torino (Italy); Department of Veterinary Science, Università di Torino (Italy); Giardino Zoologico di Pistoia (Italy); Acquario di Cattolica (Italy); Conservation Guardians (South Africa).
“Zoo Ethical Reputation Survey ZERS” Scientific Coordinator: Barbara de Mori (Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare). Project partners: Goethe University, Frankfurt (Germany); Opel Zoo (Germany); Giardino Zoologico di Pistoia (Italy); Università Niccolò Cusano (Italy).
“Scientific Welfare Assessment for Captive Elephants (Loxodanta africana) and Conservation Ethics in South Africa". Scientific Coordinator: Barbara de Mori (Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare). Project partners: UKZN University (South Africa); National Zoological Gardens (South Africa), Conservation Guardians (South Africa).
“PEACE - Progress for Ethical Assessment of Conservation Efforts” Scientific Coordinator: Barbara de Mori (Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare).
“L’uomo e la natura nel Parco del Monte Barro” Scientific Coordinator: Barbara de Mori (Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare). Project partners: Associazione WWF Lecco (Italy); Parco Monte Barro (Italy), Department of Political and Environmental Sciences, University of Milan, Milan, (Italy); Department of Biosciences, University of Milan, (Italy).
“Involvement of Experts in Testudines Conservation in Italy” Scientific Coordinator: Barbara de Mori (Ethics Laboratory for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare).
Education and Training
Staff based in the Ethical Laboratory provide postgraduate teaching. The following courses are organized periodically. If you want to have information on the next editions, write to stefano.bianchini@unipd.it
Developing a future for the wildlife: an integrated approach to conservation - Short specialisation course, The course trains specialised figures in wildlige conservation and management. The students will have the opportunity to develop an integrated approach, both theoretical and practical, for the management of wildlife and conservation projects of species and their habitats in a perspective of sustainability and management of local conflict. The collaboration between the various partecipating institution will allow for a more in-depth approach and praticice to biodiversity conservation both in-situ and ex-situ, in both terrestrial and aquatic environments, according to an integrated approach.
Course of Veterinary Bioethics
This course is mainly aimed at veterinarians. The goal of this course is to analyze the basic ethical issues concerning veterinary medicine and to equip the participant with an ethical competence of skills and tools useful for facing hard choices with a professional, coherent, and open attitude.
Course of Animal Welfare Ethics
This course is aimed to professionals involved with all kind of animal uses: agriculture, research and experimentation, veterinary medicine, conservation, natural and zoological parks, pet therapy, etc. The aim of the course is to develop ethical competences regarding the various aspects of the relationship between humans and animals and to explore the different meaning of the concept of animal welfare.
Course of Conservation Education
This course is aimed at people that would like to increase their knowledge and skills on conservation, conservation education, sustainability and communication in conservation projects. This course is a multidisciplinary effort concerning the promotion and the communication of conservation practices. The issue of conservation is analyzed from the different perspectives of its economical, sociological, and educational aspects.
Padua University Laboratory for Ethics for Veterinary Medicine, Conservation, and Animal Welfare offers services of consultancy on ethical issues regarding the management and treatment of non-human animals to both private and public institutions. Our affiliates also offer talks and seminars on various thematic issue pertaining animal ethics. In particular, we offer consultancy on the ethical relevant issues of fields such as:
Ex-situ and in-situ Conservation Practices: to develop the ethical assessment in conservation projects and education and to promote the sensitization of public opinion and the ethical training of operators.
Veterinary Medicine: to promote veterinary ethics and to develop the ethical assessment in veterinary medicine, offering practitioners effective tools for dealing with complex ethical choices.
Laboratory and Farm animals: to provide guidelines in order to respect and promote animal welfare and the new societal ethical concerns regarding animal treatment.
Communication: to promote awareness on ethical issues concerning animals, and on the sensitive aspects linked with ethical communication.
Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research, Ethics for Animal Welfare, Veterinary Medicine, and Conservation
The Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research (JAAER) is an international and interdisciplinary scientific publication edited by Bernard Rollin and Barbara de Mori. It publishes the results of original peer reviewed research, technical studies, and reviews that bring to the light the ethically relevant issues connected with wildlife management, companion animals, laboratory animals, and animals used in agriculture, research, pet therapy and conservation programs. Emphasis is placed on research that explores ethical issues and ethical reasoning related to animal welfare and care in veterinary medicine, conservation, applied ethology and welfare science.
Aims and Scope: to foster the growth of ethical awareness and know-how concerning animal welfare and care, and to debate moral issues related to the human/ animal relationship. We aim to bring the debate on these issues outside the boundaries of the academic and scientific debate, to a wider audience composed of professionals and non-professionals who are directly involved with animals. The Journal of Applied Animal Ethics Research should be fruitful reading for all animal scientists and professionals involved in animal care and management – such as veterinarians, biologists, conservationists, physicians, keepers, etc. – as well as for anyone else concerned with animal welfare and applied ethics..
Print ISSN: 2588-9559
Recent Publications
Pollastri, I., Normando, S., Contiero, B., Vogt, G., Gelli, D., Sergi, V., Stagni, E., Hensman, S., Mercugliano, E., de Mori, B. (2021). Emotional States of African Elephants (Loxodonta africana) Kept for Animal–Visitor Interactions, as Perceived by People Differing in Age and Knowledge of the Species. Animals, 11(3), 826.
Biasetti P, Hildebrandt TB, Göritz F, Hermes R, Holtze S, Galli C, Lazzari G, Colleoni S, Pollastri I, Spiriti MM, Stejskal J, Seet S, Zwilling J, Ngulu S, Mutisya S, Kariuki L, Lokolool I, Omondo P, Ndeereh D and de Mori B (2022). Ethical Analysis of the Application of Assisted Reproduction Technologies in Biodiversity Conservation and the Case of White Rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum) Ovum Pick-Up Procedures. Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 9.
Pollastri, I., Normando, S., Florio, D., Ferrante, L., Bandoli, F., Macchi, E., Muzzo, A., de Mori, B. (2022). The Animal-Visitor Interaction Protocol (AVIP) for the assessment of Lemur catta walk-in enclosure in zoos. PloS one, 17(7), e0271409.
Biasetti, P., Hildebrandt, T. B., Göritz, F., Hermes, R., Holtze, S., Stejskal, J., Galli, C., Pollastri, I.,Muzzo, A., Lekolool, I., Ndereeh, D., Omondi, P., Kariuki, L., Mijele, D., Mutisya, S., Ngulu, S., & de Mori, B. (2022). Application of decision tools to ethical analysis in biodiversity conservation. Conservation Biology, 00, e14029.
de Mori, B., Spiriti, M. M., Pollastri, I., Normando, S., Biasetti, P., Florio, D., Andreucci, F., Colleoni, S., Galli, C., Göritz, F., Hermes, R., Holtze, S., Lazzari, G., Seet, S., Zwilling, J., Stejskal, J., Mutisya, S., Ndeereh, D., Ngulu, S., Vigne, R., Hildebrandt, T.B. (2021). An ethical assessment tool (ETHAS) to evaluate the application of assisted reproductive technologies in mammals’ conservation: the case of the northern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum cottoni). Animals, 11(2), 312.
de Mori, B., Ferrante, L., Florio, D., Macchi, E., Pollastri, I., & Normando, S. (2019). A Protocol for the Ethical Assessment of Wild Animal–Visitor Interactions (AVIP) Evaluating Animal Welfare, Education, and Conservation Outcomes, “Animals”, 9(8), 487.
Rollin B., de Mori B., Gli altri Animali. Mimesis, Milano 2019 (in press)
de Mori B., (2019), Il benessere animale: un concetto ‘etico’ o ‘scientifico’? Un dibattito ancora attuale, Notizie di Politeia, 134, pp. 143-161.
de Mori B., Normando S., (2019) Is Histroy repeating itself? The case of fish and arthropods’ welfare, «Ethica&Politica/Ethics&Politics», 2, pp. 491-516
de Mori B., Biasetti P., (2019) Le matrici etiche nella conservazione della biodiversità. Ethical Matrix in Biodiversity Conservation, «Ethica&Politica/Ethics&Politics», 1, pp. 233-254;
Farina L., de Santis M., Contalbrigo L., Simonato M., de Mori B., Ravarotto L., (2019) The 3R principle: a reflection on its application in AAI, Animals and Society.
Biasetti, P., Florio, D., Gili, C., & de Mori, B. (2019). The Ethical assessment of Touch Pools in Aquariums by means of the Ethical Matrix. Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics
Ferrante, L., Samuels, W.E., Normando, S., Florio, D., Bordignon, F., Meers, L., & de Mori, B. (2019). Investigating visitors’ needs and behaviors to increase educational effectiveness and promote inclusiveness and the ethical reputations of zoos. Zoo Biology
Ferrante, L., & de Mori, B. (2018). Conservazione ed etica negli zoo “dopo Marius”. Etica & Politica/Ethics & Politics., 20(3), 703-729.
Normando, S., Pollastri, I., Florio, D., Ferrante, L., Macchi, E., Isaja, V., & de Mori, B. (2018). Assessing Animal Welfare in Animal-Visitor Interactions in Zoos and Other Facilities. A Pilot Study Involving Giraffes. Animals, 8(9), 153.
Pollastri, I., Normando, S., Florio, D., Ferrante, L., Bandoli, F., Macchi, E., Muzzo, A., de Mori, B. 2022. Application of the Animal-Visitor Interaction Protocol (AVIP) on the ringtailed lemur walk-in enclosure at Pistoia Zoo (Italy). 31st International Society for Anthrozoology Conference - ISAZ 2022 - “Anthrozoology in translation: communicating research to and from multiple audiences” – Boise ID 7-9 July 2022. Oral Presentation, proceedings p. 51.
Meers, L.L., Walsh, E., Ulitina, O., Pereira, J., da Graça Pereira, G., Salgirli Demirbas, Y., Begum, S., Platto, S., Pollastri, I., de Mori, B., Normando, S. 2022. Impact of COVID-19 lockdowns on companion animal welfare. 31st International Society for Anthrozoology Conference - ISAZ 2022 - “Anthrozoology in translation: communicating research to and from multiple audiences” – Boise ID 7-9 July 2022. Oral Presentation, proceedings p. 135.
Walsh, E., Meers, L., de Mori, B., Platto, S., Pereira, J., Ferreira, P., Da Graça Pereira, G., Salgirli Demirbas, Y., Begun, S., Pollastri, I., Ulitina, O., Normando, S., 2022. Moral distress in companion animal veterinarians: a comparison between Belgium, China, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, and Turkey - 4th annual meeting European Veterinary Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare – EVCBMAW 2022 – Palma (Mallorca) – 28 September – 1 October 2022. Oral presentation, proceedings p. 45.
Normando, S., Pereira, J., de Mori, B., Ferreira, P., Walsh, E.A., Platto, S., Meers, L.L., Salgirli Demirbas, Y., Begun, S., Pollastri, I., Ulitina, O., da Graça Pereira, G. 2022. Potentially stressful situation in the veterinary practice that can affect animal welfare: is practice with shelter animals different from that with privately owned ones? - 4th annual meeting European Veterinary Congress of Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare – EVCBMAW 2022 - Palma (Mallorca) – 28 September – 1 October 2022. Poster, proceedings p. 93
Pollastri, I., Muzzo, A., Biasetti, P., Vogt, G., Manenti, R., de Mori, B. 2022. Animal-Visitor Interactions (AVIs) in South Africa: a participatory approach to facilitate ethical reasoning - 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology – ECCB 2022 – Prague (Czech Republic) – August 22-26, 2022. Oral Presentation
de Mori, B., Pollastri, I., Spiriti, M.M., Biasetti, P., Galli, C., Goeritz, F., Hermes, R., Holtze, S., Stejskal, J., Hidebrandt, T.B. 2022. A tool for the Ethical Assessment of the application of Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) in conservation. 6th European Congress of Conservation Biology – ECCB 2022 – Prague (Czech Republic) – August 22-26, 2022. Oral Presentation
Biasetti, P., Hildebrandt, T.B., Göritz, F., Hermes, R., Holtze, S., Galli, C., Lazzari, G., Colleoni, S., Pollastri, I., Spiriti, M.M., Stejskal, J., de Mori, B. 2022. Applying Decision-Making Tools in Ethical Analysis of Biodiversity Conservation. Society for Conservation Biology North America. North American Congress for Conservation Biology «Restoring connection and building resilience in a changing world», Reno (NV), USA 2022. Oral Presentation
Pollastri, I., Normando, S., Florio, D., Ferrante, L., Bandoli, F., Macchi, E., Muzzo, A., de Mori, B. 2022. The animal-visitor interaction protocol (AVIP) for the assessment of Lemur catta walk-in enclosure in zoos. EAZA Annual Conference 2022 – Zoomarine, Portugal - 27 September to 1 October, 2022. Poster
Pollastri, I., Florio, D., Ferrante, L., Bandoli, F., Macchi, E., Muzzo, A., de Mori, B. 2022. The Animal-Visitor Interaction Protocol (AVIP): first application to a ring-tailed lemur walk-in enclosure at Giardino Zoologico di Pistoia - XXIV Congresso Nazionale Associazione Primatologi Italiani – Torino (Italy) – September 21-23, 2022. Oral Presentation
Pollastri, I., Giardullo, P., Bandoli, F., Avesani, C., Cavicchio, P., Capasso, M., Zanella, A., de Mori, B. 2022. Consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on zoos and aquariums: assessing staff perception in Italian facilities – 12° Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi, Parco Natura Viva - Garda Zoological Park srl, Bussolengo (VR) – October 7-9, 2022. Oral Presentation
Pollastri, I., Bandoli, F., Florio, D., Ferrante, L., Macchi, E., Muzzo, A., de Mori, B. 2022. First application of the Animal-Visitor Interaction Protocol (AVIP) to a ring-tailed lemur walk-in - 12° Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi, Parco Natura Viva - Garda Zoological Park srl, Bussolengo (VR) – October 7-9, 2022. Poster
Mercugliano, E., Pollastri, I., Spiriti, M.M., Biasetti, P., Florio, D., Andreucci, F., Colleoni, S., Galli, C., Goeritz, F., Hermes, R., Holtze, S., Lazzeri, G., Seet, S., Zwilling, J., Stejskal J., Mutisya, S., Ndeereh, D., Ngulu, S., Vigne, R., Hildebrandt, T.B., de Mori, B. 2022. ETHAS: the revised Ethical Assessment Tool for the application of Assisted Reproduction Technologies (ART) in conservation breeding programs. - 12° Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi, Parco Natura Viva - Garda Zoological Park srl, Bussolengo (VR) – October 7-9, 2022. Poster
Pollastri, I., Spiriti, M.M., Normando, S., Biasetti, P., Florio, D., Andreucci, F., Colleoni, S., Galli, C., Goeritz, F., Hermes, R., Holtze, S., Lazzari, G., Seet, S., Zwilling, J., Stejskal, J., Mutisya, S., Ndeereh, D., Ngulu, S., Vigne, R., Hildebrandt, T.B., de Mori B. 2021. First trials of an ethical assessment tool (ETHAS) for the evaluation of the acceptability of art procedures in wildlife conservation - XI Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi, Parco Natura Viva - Garda Zoological Park srl, Bussolengo (VR) – October 1-3, 2021. Poster
Spiriti, M.M., Pollastri I., Bandoli, F., Giardullo, P., Florio D., Normando, S., Zanella A., Gesuato, E., Neresini, F., de Mori B. 2021. A preliminary evaluation of public perceptions of the consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic on Italian Zoological Institutions - XI Convegno Nazionale della Ricerca nei Parchi, Parco Natura Viva - Garda Zoological Park srl, Bussolengo (VR) – October 1-3, 2021. Poster
de Mori, B., Ferrante, L., Florio, D., Pollastri, I., Macchi, E., Isaia, V., Normando, S. 2018. Animal- visitor interaction in zoos: an assessment protocol dealing with different educational, ethical and animal welfare aspects. Annual Meeting of the Congress of Veterinary Behavioural Medicine and Animal Welfare – ECVBMAW 2018 – Berlin (Germany) - 28 September 2018 – Oral Presentation
de Mori B., Ferrante L., Dierkes P., Avesani Zaborra C., Florio D. & Normando S. (2018). A toolkit to improve the Ethical Review Process in Conservation. 73rd Waza Conference, Bangkok, 21 – 25 October 2018 – oral presentation, https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AxD_u_2PqXUcvORUaca1E8LIHcnw-um9/view
de Mori B., Ferrante, L., Vogt, G., Normando, S., & Florio, D. (2018) The importance of the Ethical Review Process (ERP) in Conservation. V European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyväskylä University, Open Science Centre, 12 – 15 June 2018 – oral presentation, https://doi.org/10.17011/conference/eccb2018/108151
Ferrante, L., Bonelli, M., Scaccini, D., Manenti, R., Normando, S., Florio, D., & de Mori, B. (2018). The extinction risk for threatened species in protected areas: the case of the freshwater crayfish (Austropotamobius pallipes) in Italy. V European Congress of Conservation Biology, Jyvaskyla University, Open Science Centre, 12 - 15 June 2018 - oral presentation, https://doi.org/10.17011/conference/eccb2018/107432
de Mori B., Ferrante L., Florio D. & Normando S. (2018). The Ethical Checklist for Conservation Projects (ECCP): a Tool to Improve the Ethical Review Process. IX National Congress on Wildlife Research in Parks, Parco Natura Viva, Bussolengo (VR), 4-7 October 2018 – oral presentation, proceedings p. 18.
Normando S., Stagni E., Sergi V., Bettin E., Sgarbossa A., Mazzola A., Bordignon F., Kotze A., Vogt G., Ramsay K. A., Contiero B., Ferrante L., Florio D., Gelli D., de Mori B. (2018). Are Semi-Captive African Elephants Different From Their Zoo Counterparts? IX National Congress on Wildlife Research in Parks, Parco Natura Viva, Bussolengo (VR), 4-7 October 2018 - poster, proceedings p. 56.
Ferrante, L., Normando, S., Florio, D., & de Mori, B., (2018) Ethics and inclusive conservation: a bottom-up approach to promoting conservation for Testudines in Italy. EAZA Conservation Forum 2018, Tallin, 21 – 25 May 2018 – poster, proceedings.
Rossetto, Y., de Mori, B., Normando, S., Florio, D., Ferrante, L., Laguardia, D., Cotignoli, C., & Martini, M. (2017) Zoonotic risk analysis in a walk-in enclosure of ring-tailed lemurs (Lemur catta) at Safari Park Ravenna, Italy. VIII National Congress on Wildlife Research in Parks, Bussolengo (VR), 28 September – 1 October 2017 – poster, proceedings p. 80.
Stagni, E., Normando, S., & de Mori, B. (2017). Distances between individuals in an artificial herd of African elephants (Loxodonta africana africana) during resource utilisation in a semi-captive environment. Research in veterinary science, 113, 122-129.
Ferrante L., Samuels W.E., Normando S., Florio D., Bordignon F., Meers L., & de Mori B., (2017) What do Italian visitors think about zoos? European Zoo Educators Conference (EZE), Paris, 13 – 16 March 2017 – poster, proceedings.
Ferrante, L., Normando, S., Florio, D., & de Mori, B. (2017, June). Animal welfare and Ethics course for post-graduate at Veterinary School: how to improve assessment methodologies with a bottom up approach. In Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Higher Education Advances (pp. 1147-1155). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/head17.2017.6713
Ferrante L., Normando S., Florio D., & de Mori B. (2017). Let the expert speak: preliminary data of a survey that promotes conservation and knowledge of Testudines. VIII National Congress on Wildlife Research in Parks, Bussolengo (VR), 28 September – 1 October 2017 – oral presentation, proceedings p. 18.
de Mori B., Ferrante L., Florio D., Spiezio C., Gili C., Avesari Zaborra C., & Normando S. (2017). The importance of the Ethical Review Process in Conservation Welfare Issues in Italy. VIII National Congress on Wildlife Research in Parks, Bussolengo (VR), 28 September – 1 October 2017 – oral presentation, proceedings p. 17.
Pollastri, I., Ferrante L., Normando S., Florio D., Macchi, E., Isaja, V., & de Mori B. (2017). Preliminary data on a new protocol that investigates animal-visitor interactions in zoos. VIII National Congress on Wildlife Research in Parks, Bussolengo (VR), 28 September – 1 October 2017 – poster, proceedings p. 72.
Ferrante L., Samuels W.E., Normando S., Florio D., Bordignon F., Meers L., & de Mori B. (2016) Preliminary data on conservation mindedness in Safari Park’s visitors. VII National Congress on Wildlife Research in Parks, Parco Natura Viva, Bussolengo (VR), 1-4 October 2016 – oral presentation, proceedings.
de Mori B., Biasetti P., A framework of values: reasons for conserving biodiversity and natural environments, «Ethica&Politica/Ethics&Politics», n. 18 (2016), 3, pp. 527-545.
de Mori B. (2016), La ricerca scientifica e l’impiego etico degli animali, Medicina delle Dipendenze, VI, pp. 20-25.
de Mori B., Biasetti P., Conservazione della biodiversità e felicità dell’umano a contatto con la natura, Milella, Lecce 2015;
Viafora C., de Mori B., Bioetica e sperimentazione animale, in Viafora C., Gaiani A., A lezione di Bioetica, Franco Angeli, pp. 395-414
de Mori B., Vogt G., Kotze A., Normando S., Social Groups in South African Captive Elephants. Poster at “Behaviour2015” (joint meeting of the International Ethological Conference, Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour, Australasian Evolution Society, and Australasia, New Zealand and Africa Region of Applied Ethology), 9 - 14 August 2015, Cairns, Australia. Behaviour-2015ABSTRACTS: abstract n° 666, p. 206
de Mori B., Normando S., Bordignon F., Hofer H., Avesani C., Biasetti P., Rehse T., Kotze A., How can ethical stockmanship in captive wild animals support conservation policies? Poster presented at the 70th Waza Annual Conference and Technical Congress, Al Ain, Uae 11-15 October