Courses in Italian

The Department of Comparative Biomedicine and Food Science takes part in the didactic activities of the following degrees (held in Italian only):

- Single-cycle degree: Veterinary Medicine (Laurea magistrale a ciclo unico in Medicina Veterinaria)

- First-cycle degree: Safety and Hygiene of Food products (Sicurezza Igienico sanitaria degli Alimenti - SIA)

-Second-cycle degree: Biotechnology applied to Food security and nutrition (Biotecnologie per l'alimentazione - BAL)

All the degrees program make reference to the School of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine


The Department is also the reference for the following postdegree courses (held in Italian only):

- Specialisation School in Veterinary area: Breeding, hygiene, pathology of aqutic species and control of seafood product (Allevamento, igiene, patologia delle specie acquatiche e controllo dei prodotti derivati)

- Short Specialization degree - 2nd Level: Food Quality and Safety (Qualità e sicurezza degli alimenti)

- Professional and continuing education: Animal Welfare Ethics