Course Venue – How to Reach Us - Contacts
With great pleasure, for the first time in 2025, the courses on animal fascial manipulation will take place at the Agripolis campus, home of the School of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine of the University of Padua. The campus is located at Viale dell'Università 16, 35020 Legnaro (PD).
Part of the course (the practical part for horses) will also take place at the Azienda Agraria Sperimentale L. Toniolo of the University of Padua; personal transportation is not necessary to reach it.
The Agripolis campus is easily accessible by the extra-urban BUSITALIA bus line from the Padua bus station, or by car by taking the “Padova Est” highway exit and continuing along the eastern ring road of Padua (exit n°12) towards Piove di Sacco, Chioggia-Sottomarina.
For lunch, there are several options: you can use the campus canteen or bar, where you will find first and second courses and sandwiches, you can have a packed lunch, or you can go with the group to a trattoria near the campus.
Lunch is not included in the course price.
Scientific Supervisor: Prof. Marco Patruno
Teaching Assistance: DVM Anna Carolo
For further information: anna.carolo@unipd.it